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Showing posts from February, 2024

Lore on Astor's backstory

 Here's something I made up to give you a taste on my ongoing original story Shadows To Hope. It's a backstory I made up about Astor.  Kay, here it is!!!!! Astor’s mother was Loreyl, the Prophet of the Lost Woods. So when, fifteen years before the Calamity (Age of Calamity timeline), the not yet formed Demon King attempted to steal her power. In that situation Astor was only ten years old, so he could do nothing to stand against him. Loreyl concealed her power into a triangular amulet that Hylia gave to her as an individual. This is the pendant of Wisdom, a piece of the triforce that Astor will obtain in Shadows to Hope which has not yet been released. Anyway, Loreyl tells kid Astor to run while she distracts Ganondorf. This is the complicated part. As he flees, she wills herself into non-existence, meaning her spirit and Ganondorf’s are forever clashing. THAT is why Ganondorf is so easy to beat in TOTK. Now, you’re probably thinking: why isn’t Astor’s mother’s spirit releas...