So, let's start on some interesting things I found a couple days ago. !Just so you know, this post has major spoilers for The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom, The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, and Hyrule Warriors Age Of Calamity. All DLCS included. Consider yourself warned! Subject #1: Master Kohga In Koei Tecmo Games and Nintendo's hack and slash game, Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity, at the end of the third to last quest, Each Step Like Thunder, Zelda finally awakens her secret power to save Link right? Nice. We got that. Now, at the ending cutscene of that quest, Zelda gathers up the remaining soldiers and fills them with confidence. They cheer in approval. Then, a certain soldier asks Zelda to talk in private. This man turns out to be the chief of the Yiga Clan, Master Kohga. He joins Zelda and her party after the seer, Astor betrays them. Let's get back to when the soldiers cheer in approval. As Zelda puts her fist into the ai...